Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Xmas Spirit, New York Style

I don't usually do this, but I have an intense need to share a short video with everyone. It's a 2Mb WMV, which should play fine on most computers.

Of course, I can't take credit for making it, and even though Alfred E. Langley is in the credits, I don't know where it's from. Could be a MAD Magazine reference ...

But hey, it's all in the spirit of Xmas.

Santa & The Cops
Santa & The Cops

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea! for 'Santa Got Busted'. My son sent it too me before Xmas and I have become a compulsive viewer. I just love the sly cultural reference tags i.e. "Its my wife's sleigh..." "You have the right to remain silent... you'de better not pout..." (Phil Spector), the beating tableau (recall the video of the cops beating up the black guy in LA). Wonderful stuff. Thats what good art should be about. It also shows how few resources you need if you have GOOD ideas.

I Googled 'Alfred E Langley'and your site was the solitary reference. The guy deserves more.

Good luck with the writing (and the goal setting). Henry